Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June 14th is Flag Day

JUNE 14th IS FLAG DAY! Be sure to fly your flag proudly on Sunday. As good Scouts and citizens, we always treat the American Flag with respect. Check out this page for U.S. Flag etiquette.
Fly the American flag from sunrise to sunset.
Raise the flag briskly in the morning and lower it slowly in the evening.
The American flag is always flown above other flags.
When displaying the American flag either vertically or horizontally, the stars and blue field are always in the upper left corner.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Welcome Summertime!

READY FOR THE SUMMERTIME? Pack 928 sure is! We have some fun events planned for the summer months. Scouts - if you participate in 3 Pack events, one each month over the summer, you will earn the National Summertime Award. Encourage everyone in your Den to participate so your Den can earn the Den Award too!

Saturday, June 20th - Meet us at Lake Murray at 9:00 am for some fishing and bicycle riding. Scouts can earn Belt Loops for Fishing and Bicycling. We'll cover the rules for safe fishing, then have a go at fishing at the lake. Then we'll switch gears and have a bicycle safety check and cover the rules for safe riding. Test your riding skills and join your fellow Scouts for a ride around the lake.

Saturday, July 18th - join us for Cosmic Bowling...beat the summer heat and enjoy a cool afternoon of bowling and pizza. See your Den Leader for the details.

August - Summertime camping! Family camping for the weekend.

Check back for more details.

Happy Summer!