Friday, July 18, 2008

Cosmic Bowling was a Blast!

UPDATE: Our Cosmic Bowling event was a blast! Everyone had a great time with bowling, pizza, and games afterwards.

Cosmic Bowling is this Saturday, July 19th, from noon unitl 1:30 pm at Parkway Bowl.
$18 per bowler for an 1 1/2 hour of bowling, game tokens, plus pizza and drinks! Scouts can earn their Bowling Belt Loop!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Pack 928 Rules the Roundtable!

Our Pack ruled the Mission District Roundtable meeting last Thurday. We reclaimed the Hoorah! by having the most Pack representatives at the meeting. Drew was the undefeated champion in a heated paper bag bug racing competition. Alan and Scott totally amazed everyone with demonstrations of the famous "marshmallow launchers".
If you haven't been to a Roundtable meeting, now you have a little idea of the fun you're missing! All parents are welcome to attend. Want to know more? Just ask your Den Leader.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

July - H2Ohhh!

July's theme is "H2Ohhh!". Yes, all about water! We got a head start last month by earning the Fishing belt loop at Lake Murray. This month would be a good time to learn about water conservation.
Webelos can work on Aquanaut & Geologist.

Where is the ocean the deepest?...On the bottom.

Scouts can earn a Water Conservation patch from the Education Department of the San Diego County Water Authority. The description and form is on their site at

What gets wetter the more it dries?...A towel.

Here is a great interactive site that shows the Water Cycle. This is hosted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

What does not get any wetter no matter how much it rains?...A lake.

Here are some interesting water facts (courtesy of the Golden Empire Council):
􀂐 Water, either liquid or frozen, covers about 75% of the
earth’s surface.
􀂐 About 30% of the earth’s fresh water is in groundwater
and 70% is in ice (including ice caps, glaciers,
permanent snow, ground ice, and permafrost)
􀂐 They don’t call it watermelon for nothing – its 97%
􀂐 The human body is 70% water!
􀂐 A birch tree can release about 70 gallons of water into
the atmosphere each day.
􀂐 Water flowing at 10 miles an hour can move rocks 10
feet thick.
􀂐 In Northern Chile, years go by without a drop of rain.
􀂐 In parts of India, they get more than 400 inches a year
of rain.
􀂐 If all the land on the earth and under the sea were
leveled out, water would cover the entire earth two
miles deep!
􀂐 Water has polar properties – a positive and a negative,
while oil has no polar properties, which is why “Water
& Oil don’t mix.”
􀂐 One third of the earth’s annual precipitation runs off
into the ocean.
􀂐 It takes at least 600 gallons of water to make a
hamburger – water for the cow to drink, water to grow
what he eats, water to process the meat. Add to that the
following things you eat with your burger:
􀀹 Bag of hamburger buns – 150 gallons
􀀹 Head of lettuce – 6 gallons
􀀹 Tomatoes – 3 gallons
􀀹 French Fries – 6 gallons
Here are some more products and the amazing amounts of
water it takes to produce a serving:
Almonds: 12 gallons
Orange: 14 gallons
Milk: 65 gallons
Rice : 35 gallons
Watermelon: 100 gallons
1 Egg: 120 gallons
Loaf of bread: 150 gallons
1 Car: 39,000 gallons

Where do ships go when they are ill?...To the docks.

Click here for some water conservation tips.

What fish would an actor like to be?...Starfish.