Sunday, June 22, 2008

July 19 - Cosmic Bowling

Bowling at Parkway Bowl - 12:00 noon. We have the room reserved for 1 ½ hours. Cost is $18 per bowler and includes shoes, bowling, pizza, drinks, game tokens, and coupon for one free game of bowling. If you want to go, please see your Den Leader now if you have not already. This will be a fun time for the entire Pack to get together!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

June 21 - Fishing Derby and Bike Ride at Lake Murray

UPDATE - Thanks to all who came out to Lake Murray. Congratulations to several boys who earned their Fishing and Bicycling belt loops! They did a great job considering how hot it was.

We'll be having a Fishing Derby and Bike Ride at Lake Murray on Saturday, June 21st at 9 AM. Meet near the concession stand in the main parking lot off Kiowa Drive. The boys will have the opportunity to earn a belt loop for Fishing and one for Bicycling.
For the Fishing belt loop, scouts will need to demonstrate how to bait a hook, try to catch a fish, and know the rules & regulations for fishing. Bring your fishing pole and gear.
For the Bicycling belt loop, scouts will need to know the rules for riding safely, understand how to properly use safety equipment, and go on a 30 minute bike ride. Please make sure to bring your bike AND helmet!
The bicycle activity will also fulfill the Wolf Achievement #9e and Bear Achievement #14.