Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Memorial Service Project - Saturday May 24th

Thanks to all that came out to help! We had a great time.
This event will be held on Sat. 24 from 7-8am at the Rosecrans Memorial Cemetery. Boys should be in full uniform.
Note: Dens - please let the families know that we will be meeting at the Foster Freeze on Waring Road between 6:15 and 6:20 for those that would like to carpool or follow.

May Pack Meeting Will Be Held May 19th

Final meeting for the school year will be held on Mon. May 19th (due to Memorial Day Weekend) at Marvin Elementary School from 7-9pm. This month will be the Crossover Ceremony. Please have parents buy new hat, neckerchief and handbook before meeting time. Boys should be dressed in their proper uniforms with belts and with shirts tucked in. Neckerchiefs and hats will be taken off prior to crossing over the bridge, and will then be replaced with new ones.
The Pack Meeting will begin with announcements, awards, then crossover, and will end with Boy Scouts. Webelos 2 will have scout troops doing their own ceremony.

Den Assignments
Den 4 – Setup / Greet
Den 2 – Opening Ceremony

Monday, May 5, 2008

Welcome to BSA Cub Scout Pack 928

Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 928 of the Mission District, in the San Diego - Imperial County Council of the Boy Scouts of America.